Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hello, stranger

Welcome to my first attempt at blogging. Yes, I know I'm behind the times, but bear with me here. There will be changes, I promise. This is the dumping ground for projects I've started, completed, envisioned, and occasionally abandoned. Oddly enough, pretty much every foray into my creative process begins with the ominous phrase, "I could totally make that!"

Much of my motivation for making things comes from a serious dearth of things I like in stores-- the rest usually comes from a serious dearth of funds in my bank account. I'm the stay-at-home mom to a wonderful three year-old boy,  the wife of an Infantryman, and the wrangler of two pseudo-demonic Shiba Inu. Oddly enough, despite long hours and incessant workload, my chosen vocation does not pay much (unless you count hugs, piles of laundry, and the occasional "thanks, babe" or "I love you, mommy"). If I can piece together that lamp/shirt/whatever for a fraction of the cost, create minimal waste, and get some personal satisfaction out of it, why not?

So hopefully someone out there in internet-land will get a bit of enjoyment or inspiration from this. If nothing else, perhaps it will encourage me to stay on top of the billion works-in-progress constantly glaring at me from my projects closet!!

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